
E-BOOST ElectromoBility for the recOvery and internatiOnalisation of Small enTerprises

Training Programs

Title: Submission form for Training Programs Lump sums

Who is eligible to the Training Programs for SMEs lump sums? The SMEs established or have a brand office in the E-BOOST territorial scope involved in the electromobility sector and not “in difficulty” are eligible to the mobility lump.

Activities: The types of Training Programs for SMEs offered by the E-BOOST project are presented in the exhaustive list below

Applicants have the opportunity to select from three distinct categories of training programs tailored to their specific needs:

1. Emerging Technologies:
E.g: Training programs focusing on cutting-edge areas such as electric vehicles, battery management systems, charging infrastructure, smart mobility, and other innovative technologies, etc. (exhaustive list to target specific activities/sectors ?)

2. Renewable Energy Integration and Data Analytics:
E.g: Training programs aimed at enhancing knowledge and skills in the integration of renewable energy, data analytics, and regulatory compliance within the electromobility sector.

3. Business Development, project management & submission, and Internationalization:
E.g.: Training programs designed to support business growth, innovation management, project management, and internationalization strategies for SMEs and clusters operating in the electromobility field, etc.
Applicant must provide their own training provider and training programme agenda in the submission application.

For more information, please refer to 2.1, 3.2.1 and 3.2.2 of the Guide for applicants.

Additional document: Guide for applicants

Applications must be written in English (applications partially written in another language are not eligible) and submitted within the deadline indicated in the Innovation Support Services Open Call.

Personal details will not be published only the total number of endorsements per country.

Section 1 – General information

Section 2 – Company administrative information

Is your company a member or in the process of becoming a member of: (multiple choices possible)
SME status
(please fill one of the two columns Annual turnover, OR Annual balance sheet - figures must be entered without unit (no k€, M€) and with a "." as separator, not a ",")
Headcount (Annual Work Unit)Annual turnoveror Annual balance sheet
Your company
Your linked companies
Your partner companies
Have you already applied to another lump sum under E-BOOST Open Calls ?
If Yes, please specify which one: (multiple choices possible)

Section 3 – Company activity

Section 4 – Training program overall information

Section 5 – Training program requested

Section 6 – Gender Equality: Applicants to the Training programs Lump sum scheme are invited to take all measures to promote equal opportunities between men and women in the implementation of the action.

Are there any women participants in your company involved in the service delivery ?


If yes, provide the number of women involved and give their names and experience

Section 7 – E-BOOST Training Programs Lump sum Scheme terms and conditions

Confirm you understand the E-BOOST Training Programs Lump sum financial support scheme
I understand and agree with E-BOOST terms and conditions
Financial capacity – the company must make a financial capacity self-check and submit its results in the application as defined in the TIPS on how to minimise Financial Risks in the Context of the Provision of Financial Support for Third Parties of the European Commission. If the quick ratio is “weak”, applicants will not receive any pre-financing but only one payment at the end of the project.
I understand that the company must make a financial capacity self-check and submit its results in the application. I also agree that if the quick ration is “weak”, the company will not receive any pre-financing but only one payment at the end of the project.
Privacy declaration – with submitting the submission form you give your consent that your information will be shared with the E-BOOST partners. All partners will treat your information as confidential and according to data protection provisions / GDPR compliance
I understand and agree with E-BOOST privacy declaration
Financial Stability – the company is not ‘in difficulty” as defined at 2.1 of the Community Guidelines and State Aid for Rescuing and Restructuring Firms in Difficulty (2004/C22/02) at the date of the declaration
I understand that the company is not “in difficulty” as defined at 2.1 of the Community guidelines and State Aid for Rescuing and Restructuring Firms in Difficulty (2004/C22/02) at the date of this declaration